Mustard + Shallot Grilled Salmon

Not much says “Happy Father’s Day” more than grilling now does it? And the flavor loaded into this Mustard + Shallot Grilled Salmon is no joke. It’s no doubt due to the Dog Day Spice Rub I used. Not only is their rub amazing but I love that they’re a local, family run business. If fact, they even use my favorite coffee from SF Bay Coffee in their 3 Knucklehead variety.

One thing to note it that their rub is not Whole30 compliant as there is a tad of sugar in it. If you’re currently doing a Whole30 you’ll have to season it on your own. The remainder of the recipe IS compliant however so just use a spice that is and you’ll be all set. And then when you’re done with your Whole30, make it again using the Dog Day rub and you’ll love it all over again!

Rather than just adding their rub onto the salmon and calling it a day, I added it into a mustard marinade I made in order to turn things up even more. I have to tell you, I kept tasting that marinade with a spoon countless times because it was so delicious. The mustard, the coffee and the smokiness from the rub all pair so well together, you’re going to love it!

It’s funny because no matter how much of the cooking I do around here, Brad’s always the one at the grill. I’ve even attempted my hand at grilling (successfully), but I inevitably end up sticking him on it anyways.

Perhaps that’s a bit telling of fatherhood in general though. There are certain jobs in our family that always end up in Brad’s lap. But the funny thing is, it’s not always your typical take out the garbage type of thing. Well, that IS one of his dad-ly duties around here but there’s so much more that Brad does for our family, particularly the girls, that’s so sweet. Like ironing on Camryn’s Girl Scout patches or working on their “fairy” garden with them. He’s also the one to drop them off at school most mornings so I can get a workout in. Not to mention, he also packs a mean (and healthy) school lunch many days and according to the girls makes an awesome wrestling / skiing / soccer watching buddy.

One thing that I’m so thankful for when it comes to Brad is that his dad duties transcend traditional gender / parent roles. He is definitely not Ward Cleaver. Brad doesn’t look at raising our girls or running our house through a Dad’s job / Mom’s job mindset, but in a “what needs to be done to keep things running smoothly around here” mindset. He’s the dad that happily wore the Baby Bjorn when the girls were babies and my back was hurting. And the dad that would get up for a feeding in the middle of the night when he knew I’d had a rough day with a screaming baby. I’ve even seen him helping Teagan get Barbie’s dress back on while cheering for the Niners.

Never in the journey of parenthood have I felt that there wasn’t something he couldn’t or wouldn’t handle when it comes to the girls. Well, maybe besides making a proper ponytail… he has yet to master that, but he’s still trying!

Nobody in the history of this world has said that parenting is an easy task. Moms and Dads will never be perfect but I’m so grateful that my girls have a dad that is so perfect for them.

So Brad, as long as you keeping grilling, I will forever be prepping food for you to throw on it!

Enjoy this salmon and hopefully you’ll make it for one of the dads in your family this year.

Mustard + Shallot Grilled Salmon from the Whole Smiths. The smokiness of the rub combined with the spicy tang from the mustard is perfect!

Mustard + Shallot Grilled Salmon

A perfectly seasoned mustard grilled salmon. Paleo friendly, gluten-free.
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
Total Time30 minutes
Course: main / grill
Cuisine: paleo / american / gluten free
Servings: 4
Author: the Whole Smiths


  • 1/2 C. olive oil
  • 2 Tbsp. spicy or dijon mustard
  • 2 Tbsp. favorite BBQ seasoning spice blend
  • 2 cloves garlic minced
  • 3 shallots thinly sliced
  • 4 salmon fillets


  • Add olive oil, mustard, rub, garlic and shallots to a bowl and whisk
  • Add marinade and salmon large Ziplock bag
  • Let marinade at least 2 hours prior to grilling
  • Place salmon skin side down onto grill and grill minutes on each side
  • Spoon additional marinade onto salmon while cooking
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  1. 4. Place salmon skin side down onto grill and grill minutes on each side

    So, grill for how many minutes on each side?