Get Wellthy Episode 18: Choosing Joy in 2021 with Michelle and Brad
How has your mood been over the last year? Are you struggling with emotional rollercoasters? Or even worse, do you just feel to be in a slump all of the time with few “highs”?
How has your mood been over the last year? Are you struggling with emotional rollercoasters? Or even worse, do you just feel to be in a slump all of the time with few “highs”?
A few weeks ago, we decided to poll our Instagram community to get an idea about how everyone has been feeling over this last year. It was both saddening and confirming to know that more than eighty percent of people felt a decline in their mood and they were struggling with how to fix it.
Fast forward to today’s episode. Michelle and Brad have made the decision to get super intentional about joy as a whole. What does it mean to be joyful? Are joy and happiness the same? What if you’ve achieved everything and still feel empty? Today Michelle and Brad are diving into this and opening the door to exploring the answers to all of these questions over the next year.
While you might not find all of the answers by the time that you wrap up this episode, one thing you will know for sure is that you are not alone. Joy may be lacking for a lot of us in this season, but as a community we can rise to the occasion and choose to be intentional about how we can truly find joy in our lives. We hope you’ll join us!
Episode Highlights:
- The difference between joy and happiness.
- How to lean into finding joy regardless of what season you’re in.
- Michelle and Brad touch on the future of the podcast and The Whole Smiths as it pertains to joy.
- Michelle and Brad share their light hearted banter over extremely controversial topics such as recycling, trash, music preferences, and more.
Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on The Whole Smiths:
- Click Here to Order Athletic Greens
- Order my new cookbook HERE!
- IG: @thewholesmiths
- IG: @getwellthypodcast