Get Wellthy Episode 9: Building a Life You Love with Randy Spelling
Have you ever had seasons where life feels murky and difficult but you’re not quite sure what needs to be adjusted? Maybe you’re going through the motions and giving your best every day, but something still feels “off.”
Today on Get Wellthy, Michelle and Brad sit down with life coach Randy Spelling and talk extensively about the importance of seeking clarity and pinpointing the cause of those murky seasons. Randy explains why this is important and shares action steps that you can take to start getting your life back into true alignment and finding inner peace.
Randy is a life coach and passionate practitioner of change and result. Not only is he passionate about helping others find the clarity and confidence to live the lives they were designed for, but it’s apparent that he practices what he preaches daily through his own practices.
Listen to today’s episode to learn more about Randy, his personal evolution and path to becoming a life coach along with tried and true wisdom about finding the alignment that you need to live the life that you hope for.
Things We Discussed In The Episode/Episode Highlights:
- Michelle talks about a new workout move she invented and temporary co-host Brad is extremely uncomfortable and unimpressed (good thing this isn’t a first date).
- Randy’s journey from a teen who was lacking an identity to a professional life coach.
- How so many of the decisions we make are unconscious and how to become more aware of the decisions we are making.
- The power behind choosing to shift your energy around the daily choices in your life.
- How to gain the awareness to determine if you are living out of alignment and what might be causing it.
- The different types of life coaching Randy offers.
Find More on Randy Spelling:
- IG: @randyspelling
Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on The Whole Smiths:
- Get 15% off Real Coco Creamers on Amazon with the code: GETWELLTHY15
- Order my new cookbook HERE!
- IG: @thewholesmiths
- IG: @getwellthypodcast