Get Wellthy Episode 8: Why Setting New Year’s Intentions May be a Better Choice than Resolutions
Welcome to 2021!
If you’re finding yourself feeling a bit less than this year with all of the “New Year, New You” talk, an unwillingness to set an arbitrary resolution or finding yourself already struggling to adhere to an unrealistic expectation you set for yourself, this episode is for you.
Today Michelle and Brad are talking all about their thoughts behind why New Year’s resolutions often fail, how we should instead be reframing January and what they really think about America’s favorite January pastime. *Hint* #dated #dumb
If this January you’re looking for advice on how to maximize your days at the gym, cut every bit of decadence from your diet, how to lose X amount of weight in X amount of days…you’re probably in the wrong place. But! If you’re feeling unimpressed with the onslaught of January propaganda heading your way, you’re going to want to hear this conversation.
Michelle and Brad’s take on this topic is refreshing and realistic. By the time you walk away from this episode, you’re going to feel a more purposeful and inspired outlook for the coming year.
Things We Discussed In The Episode/Episode Highlights:
- Michelle introduces her temporary co-host (still Brad) as the New Year’s cherub baby this week and Brad is highly perplexed on who exactly this baby is.
- Brad and Michelle recap their New Year’s Eve and reminisce on favorite memories.
- How we can realistically set ourselves up for success in 2021, and how resolutions might not be the answer.
- The importance of having a growth mindset vs. a “New Year’s resolution” mindset.
- Encouragement for being mindful about what’s good for you and a reminder that what’s good for others isn’t what’s always best for you
Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on The Whole Smiths:
- Get 15% off Real Coco Creamers on Amazon with the code: GETWELLTHY15
- Order my new cookbook HERE!
- IG: @thewholesmiths
- IG: @getwellthypodcast